In my experiences as a nurse, I have learned invaluable lessons about myself through caring for others. This has been especially true in my experience as a hospice nurse working with patients facing terminal illness. As anyone who has worked in hospice can attest, caring for patients and their families during the process of death and dying is mixed with moments of profound sadness and times of great joy and celebration. Many hospice nurses will tell you – Hospice is a calling.

This past year has taken its toll on nurses, including hospice nurses – I do not think there is enough ways to show appreciation for our nurses who put themselves in risk of COVID-19 infection while they continued to provide end-of-life to patients. I want to let our nurses know how valued they are.

I receive thank you notes often where family member share with me how much the nurse helped, cared, and supported the patient and their family as they faced the reality that their loved one was dying.

As we celebrate Nurses Month in 2021, please know how much you are appreciated for the exceptional work you do- it is not just a job, you touch our patients and families lives every day.

Thank you.

Heroes behind the masks

Jennifer Plude
Senior Vice President of Nursing & Care Management

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